5 Ways To Organize Your Job Search
Hoping to find new job opportunities? It’s no surprise, people everywhere have been forced to find new employment. Whether it’s because of recent COVID shutdowns or you’re just trying to see if there’s something better out there, you’re not alone.
Searching for a new job should be exciting, but sometimes the task can be a little overwhelming. Let’s take a look at 5 no-fail ways to organize your job search so you can simplify and streamline for success.
Start With a Spreadsheet.
K. I. S. Keep it simple. You’ve heard the acronym. The simplest way to organize your job search is to use a tried and true system, so start with a spreadsheet.
Begin with these columns:
Company Name
This column should include all the companies you might want to work for. (Spreadsheets are a great way to rank lists as well)
Contact Name
Wherever possible include this info, it’s worth digging a little.
Application Status
Opportunity, Application Submitted, In review, Interview Set, Offer, Rejected.
Keep notes along the way.
At the heart of every good project, you’ll find lots of notes. Possible interview questions, email addresses, and phone numbers. Information specific to different posts e.g. reference platforms etc.
During your job search, lots of new ideas and information will come your way. New places to apply, possible contacts, certifications, training opportunities, or job fairs. Make sure you have a way to track all those brilliant insights, so you can come back to them, keep detailed notes!
You can read more about taking effective notes while job hunting in our other article.
Keep your contacts close, make a list.
These are the decision-makers, the people that hold the keys to your future. Hiring managers see hundreds of applications. The best way to get them to look at you is to address them on an authentic level.
Keep an accurate list including names, company addresses, phone numbers, some folks even include birthdays. This is a great list to keep building even after you find your dream job. You may not end up working with these people now but you never know what the future holds.
Use a Kanban board
When it comes to a job search there are a lot of moving parts. Proper organization can mean the difference between getting the job you want or having to settle for something else.
Kanban or street boards have their roots in the Japanese industrial age, fast forward 75 years and these days most project management software borrow their structure from traditional Kanbans. Track your project progress, Trello is a great online Kanban that can really streamline your job hunt. In addition to its organizational features, Trello is free for individual users which makes it a super accessible tool for any job search.
Job tracking websites, An all-in-one approach
A new software as a service to hit the market, job tracking websites like JobHuntBuddy.co offer a more comprehensive approach to organization.
Combine your spreadsheets, notes, and Kanban in one easy-to-use platform. Keep everything in one place, job profiles, resumes, cover letters, contact information, notes, and more.
A great way to store and maintain everything. The information is right there at your fingertips whenever you need it.
JobHuntBuddy.co actually helps you find the decision-makers too. No more digging for that phone number or email.
Get started now!
Let’s circle back, remember the best way to organize your job search is to keep it simple, at the end of the day, it has to work for you. An all-in-one approach definitely makes that job search more exciting and life a little easier.